Red Dog Linings


  • Commitment to Quality

    Quality is at the very heart of everything we do at RDL & imperative to maintain our market position. Our quality strategy is based on the following principles:

    Customer focus

    The customer is paramount at RDL and we aim to meet or exceed our customers’ expectations from a quality of workmanship and product service perspective.


    The Senior Management Team are committed to maintaining compliance with all statutory, regulatory legislative and contractual requirements. We strive for a company culture where employees can fully engage to achieve the Company’s Quality objectives.

    Engagement of People

    Our people are our most prized asset and we aim to attract the best people. We encourage and expect their full commitment in order to develop their skills for the individual and the company.


    We target the constant improvement of the products, people, processes and services within our Company. Our quality objectives will be set and monitored with a view to meeting the objectives.

    Process approach

    We will manage our activity and resources as a series of planned processes to produce the right products, at the right time with minimum wastage and to see maximum efficiency. Our processes will be summarised in the Quality Management System which meets the needs of BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

    Evidence based decision making

    We will measure our performance in key activities and utilise the data to make informed and effective decisions on how to improve.

    Relationship management

    A business, its customers, suppliers and business partners are reliant on one another. We will try to develop mutually beneficial relationships to improve Quality resulting in greater reliability, increased efficiency and enhanced services.


    Our QMS is externally audited by DNV and has been certified as meeting the standards as required by BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

    Phil Leonard
    Managing Director
    Date: 10th January 2019 Revision 5
    Next review: 10th January 2020

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) imposes statutory duties on employees, and to enable these statutory duties to be carried out, it is the policy of the Company, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that responsibilities for safety and health are properly assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels within the Company’s organisation and that all practicable steps are taken to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all visitors to the premises under its control.

    This statement provides the general policy of Red Dog Linings Limited of Shawfield Road, Carlton Industrial Estate, Carlton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 3HS.

    1) It is the intention of this Company, so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure that:

    • The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work are safe and without risks to health.
    • Arrangements for the use, handling, storage, and transport of articles and substances for use at work are safe and without risks to health.
    • Such arrangements are supported by appropriate information regarding the safe use of the article or substance to ensure that the activity being performed is safe and without risks to health.
    • There is adequate provision of such information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees.
    • With regard to any place of work under the Company’s control, it will be maintained in a condition that is safe and without risks to health, and the provision and maintenance of means of access to the egress from it are safe and without such risks.
    • The working conditions of all Company employees are safe and without risks to health and adequate provisions are made with regard to the facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.
    • The Company will ensure that there are sufficient personnel suitable qualified in First Aid to deal with minor injuries.
    • As and when necessary, the Company will undertake to revise the Health and Safety Policy and to communicate the information to all employees.

    2) It shall be the duty of every employee at work to ensure that:

    • Reasonable steps for health and safety to themselves and of persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
    • The place of work is in a tidy and safe condition and to make certain all safety equipment provided is used.
    • Any Company equipment being used has been suitably maintained and protected so as to affect a safe working condition.

    A meeting of the Health and Safety Committee will take place at least quarterly to review any health and safety issues. This committee will consist of a representative for each department together with management representatives and the Health and Safety Officer. Additional meetings will be called as and when necessary. The current list of all health and safety personnel is shown separately.

    Phil Leonard
    Managing Director
    Reviewed and modified: 10th January 2019
    Next review: 10th January 2020

  • Red Dog Linings Ltd’s Environmental Policy is to ensure within practical constraints that the Company’s operations conform to National Guidelines and Legislation, that improvements will be made on an ongoing basis where practical and that its employees are made aware of their responsibilities as part of the Policy by instructions issued by the Company.

    • Metal Wastes – such as machined swarf, plate off cuts, welding wire and rods, cans and containers (paints and aerosol) etc shall be disposed of by skip through waste management and carrier licensee.
    • Oil and Greases – shall be collected in containers and disposed of through a licensed agency.
    • Domestic waste — We shall continue to investigate recycling opportunities and minimise general domestic waste through segregation in such away as to promote recycling of our waste.
    • Plant and Equipment – shall be maintained to ensure efficient usage of oil and cutting fluids.
    • Electricity – Lighting and other equipment, when not required, will be turned off.
    • Water – no taps will be left running and all leaks etc will be rectified promptly.
    • Heating/Stress Relieving – will be by either electric heating or by natural gas, using modern, efficient burners, thermostatically and time controlled.
    • Fume Extraction – All filtered extraction systems will be adequately maintained to ensure the air discharged to atmosphere contains minimal contaminants. Dust collected from extraction shall be disposed of in a controlled manner.
    • Harmful products – products containing CFC’s, asbestos or any other ingredient considered to be harmful to the environment will not be purchased unless stipulated by the customer and/or when no suitable alternative is available. Any items having been purchased will be segregated and disposed of in a controlled manner.
    • Work Areas and Walkways – will be maintained in a clean, tidy and safe condition and it is the responsibility of the employees to assist the management to ensure that this is done.
    • Washrooms/Canteen Areas – will be maintained in a clean, tidy and healthy condition. It is the responsibility of the employees to assist management in this aim by ensuring all areas are cleaned after use and all food waste and paper waste is deposited in the bins provided.
    • Site Operators – operators employed at customer’s sites must ensure they follow the customer site policy on environmental control.

    The implementation of the Company’s Environmental Policy is the responsibility of the directors, managers and employees and every encouragement will be given by sub contractors, agents and suppliers to comply with these aims.

    Phil Leonard
    Managing Director
    Reviewed and modified 10th January 2019
    Next review: 10th January 2020

  • Smokefree Policy

    This policy has been developed to protect all employees, service users, customers and vistors from exposure to secondhand smoke and assist compliance with Health Act 2006.

    Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous exposure.

    It is the policy of Red Dog Linings Ltd that the whole site is smokefree, and all employees have the right to work in a smokefree environment. The smoke free policy came into effect Sunday 1st July 2007.

    Smoking is prohibited across the entire Red Dog Linings site. This also includes electronic cigarettes and similar products.

    This includes company vehicles. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors, customers or members and visitors.

    Overall responsibility for policy implementation and review rests with the Managing Director Mr. PJ Leonard, with daily responsibilities delegated to all department managers.

    However, all staff are obiliged to adhere to, and support the implementation of the policy. The person named above shall inform all existing employees, consultants and contractors of the policy and their role in the implementation and monitoring of the policy. The responsible manager will also give all new personnel a copy of the policy on recruitment/induction.

    Appropriate ‘no-smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at the entrances to and within the premises, and all smoke free vehicles.

    Company disciplinary procedures will be followed if a member of staff does not comply with this policy.

    Those who do not comply with the smokefree law may also be liable to fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecution.

    The NHS offers a range of free services to help smokers give up.

    Visit or call the Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044 for details.

    Phil Leonard
    Managing Director
    Reviewed and modified 10th January 2019
    Next review 10th January 2020

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